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About rbt

Rincon Baptist Temple is an Independent, Fundamental, Bible Believing Baptist Church. Missions is a priority at this church, we have over 50 full time missionaries receiving our support monthly. We have, and always will have, a strong emphasis on our children and youth programs with a goal to aid the parents in developing Christian character.


Every year we have an amazing VBS, we also take the teens and juniors to "The Wilds" youth camp. We provide a nursery every service, Sunday school classes for all ages, RBTYG teen church, RBT Kids church, and Faith Explorers club.

Our pastor

Pastor Joe Springer

Joe Springer became the Pastor of Rincon Baptist Temple in July 2009. Pastor Joe graduated from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida in May of 2000. He worked as a youth pastor for three years in Jacksonville, Florida and pastored for seven years in East Palatka, Florida before the Lord led him and his family to Rincon, Georgia. Pastor Joe married Wendy in 1996 and they have three adult children (Kyle, Anna, and Emma.)

Pastor Joe looks forward to meeting you!

Our beliefs

The Scriptures

We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible .We believe that God has preserved His Word for the English speaking people in the KJV of the Bible.


We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus, the Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary, and is True God and True Man.


We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned and thereby incurred the judgment of God upon him which is death.


We believe that Jesus shed his blood on the cross and paid God’s requirement for the penalty of sin and simply trusting in his sacrifice is the only way to salvation.

End Times

We believe in the pretribulational, premillenial return of the Lord Jesus.


We believe that there will be eternal separation from God and everlasting punishment in a literal place of torment for those who reject God’s salvation, a place referred to in the Bible as "Hell."

The Church

We believe in the Autonomy of the Local Church. We believe in the Baptist distinctives, and we believe that the local Church is God’s vehicle through which He chooses to work through today.


We believe in Baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper as the two ordinances God has given to the Church to observe today.


We believe that all believers should live a separated life as the Bible commands.

Christian Living

We believe that whatever the Bible teaches we should not only believe, but make every effort to practice as a way of life.

Our history

Rincon Baptist Temple was started by a group of believers in 1967. They met in their homes, and later in a home they affectionately called the "Railroad House." Their first service in the "Railroad House," in 1968, had 54 in attendance.


Later that year land was purchased on Weisenbaker Road and construction began where the present building is located. The Rincon Baptist Temple's first Pastor was Brother Howell J. Spires. We at Rincon Baptist Temple would love to have you come and see what we are all about, and perhaps we can make History together!

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